Our online modules were developed to support students before, during and after their stay abroad.
As regards topics, in the pre-departure module students will be encouraged to use the experience map and other sources to find out more about their host city and university. In a second section they will learn about key concepts in intercultural learning.
While students are away, they are invited to stay engaged in the online programme and (1) receive support, for instance with managing difficult intercultural situations which often characterise the first weeks of students’ stay abroad, (2) get advice on how to get the most out of their stay abroad in terms of language and cultural learning, and (3) share and discuss their experiences on both the moodle platform and the experience map.
The students will return from their Erasmus stay bursting with new experiences and impressions. The online re-entry module aims to help them sort through these impressions, gets them to think about how to use their experiences both personally and professionally, and offers advice on how to deal with potential difficulties when settling back in.